
- Trainers who have found the traditional techniques of pressure/release and escalating pressure are not getting the results they want.

- Riders who are stuck with their horse not behaving the way they want (Napping, rearing, whipping around, bucking etc.) and need a way forward before losing their confidence in the horse or the horse’s ability to progress.

- Owners who want to give their ‘nervous' horse confidence or their ‘stubborn' horse more motivation.

 - Devoted horse people that have tried other programs and want to regain their time and confidence going forward with their horse. 

- Or those that just want to build a calmer, kinder more balanced relationship with their horse with an understanding of how to be clearer in their communication.

This is for people who are looking for a personally guided system to transform their training relationship
with their horse, saving them time and energy to achieve a calm collaboration with their horse.  

An online coaching program working  with small cohorts over twelve weeks to teach my training technique.

Next Date:
September 2024

"6 weeks ago we could barely get 500m. At the start of the course he was buggering off and we could barely get from his paddock to his stable safely. We've still got work to do but man, we are so on the right track!! We hacked 2 hours today and only had one little spook - I am beyond delighted!!

Ellie G - May 2023 

"I could not recommended Connie highly enough. Her knowledge, care and compassion for both my horses and myself has changed my relationship with my horses and how I feel about them and myself. The course is so supportive it's great to have support from other people on the course and share the journey together. Thank you Connie xx"

Caroline T - May 2023 

"It really has been life changing for us - we were really unsure if we could manage Keira and where to start , especially with unsolicited advice from other horse owners - like she’s being bolshy and typical 5 year old needs heavy hand etc 
All things we were uncomfortable with - 
We absolutely don’t worry at all now what anyone else thinks 🤷‍♀️ - if she’s a bit nervy we start with something nice and relaxing for both of us and crack on -  🥰

Connie’s approach to human training mirrors her equine training : patient , encouraging and loaded with genuine interest and enthusiasm. Always able to suggest creative solutions to specific challenges 
Amazing experience"

Caroline P - May 2023 

"I signed up to work with Finn, but then Connie encouraged me to practice with Libby. It's been really sweet watching the change in her motivation because we've always had a good relationship but now she's like, I'm available! She's eager to participate and it's improved things in a way that I didn't think I needed and wasn't expecting - Like everyone this weekend was commenting that she's a completely different horse.
It's given me the skills that I'll need to start with Finn. Its fantastic!
I'm really appreciative!"

Terin R - May 2023 

"The vet came to do teeth yesterday. She was speechless at the change in Poppy's temperament. She remarked many times on the bond between Poppy and I . (I felt like crying!) Nice to have her improvement recognised by a professional who saw her before the EOHIPPUS training! 
BTW: her teeth were lovely! 😊"

Ally P - July 2023 

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